The Audi R10 has an immensely large goal, maintaining the level of successes of the previous racing model called R8. The R8 has a record of 61 races won in a total of 77 races. This indicates a success statistic close to 80 percent, which is very rare in the environment.
Audi engineers expect to gain advantage in the race because it is an engine that consumes less fuel than a naphthrous. In addition, the diesel rotates at lower revs than its predecessor and is simpler and more robust mechanics, which should ensure greater durability and tolerance to the demands of a resistance race, lasting 24 hours.
The 2006 edition of Le Mans 24 Hours Classic, which will take place from June 17 to 18, can mark a before and after in the world of car racing. The tests of the car were carried out by the famous driver Tom Kristensen, who has won the Le Mans race seven times. Kristensen stated that the car responds excellently and never believed it would drive a racing diesel. He also highlighted the high performance and speed of response of the vehicle.
© Adrián Blanco 2005 — Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author. —