P.L.E.A.S.E. innovate!
For the fourth edition of this concours, which after its creation in 2,000 near 9,000 original projects, Peugeot offers international international visitors to revisit the voiture, as a source of authentic plaisir. Six letters rejoin the philosophy of this four-year invitation to the creativity of international designers: P.L.E.A.S.E.!
P.L.E.A.S.E. innovate!
Partez de la feuille blanche et imaginez a new type of voiture seeking a: Plaisir of pure driving by sa The Church and Son Andfficacité tout in the rest Accessible by sa Simplicité et Andplace in their concept.
The vanqueur project will be reprinted in the form of a model at the 1st level and presented at the Peugeot booth at the Frankfurt 2007 salon. They are auteur receive in another chèque of an amount of 6,000 €.
This concours is aujourd "i a classique that makes the object of nameux émules! with nearly 9,000 projects recounted in three editions, the Peugeot Design Concours has a reputation that has been built on five continents. The quality and the originality of the projects, it also gives a description of the illustrations that accompagnate them, if they are ameliorated in the film of the editions, and also the series of auteurs. The number of participants is also full of 6,300 participants; certains are même des fidèles du concours with plusieurs participations au compteur. This quatrième édition s “annonce donc sous les meilleurs auspices et devrait, j” en suis persuadé, we are free of three beaux projets destined to feed the rêve!
This is located on the croisée des chemins between the réel and the virtuel. From the réel tout d “abord, car le projet doit avoir des fonctionnelles features aptes à l” ancrer dans la réalité. From the virtuel ensuite, it looks like it has a ludique développement. We believe that this is the case by designers of the world on an essential dimension of the automobile: the plaisir. The search for the plaisir is a major pre-occupation of Peugeot that is the signature of the brand.
The most beautiful of the recompenses, for your automotive designer, is now a project that is réalisé to the 1. As we have the aircraft for the most outstanding editions, the model of the project of the Lauréat of this edition 2006-2007 will be presented at the Peugeot booth at the Salon de Frankfurt 2007. The sheath also received a €6,000 chèque and glass are designed “in series” in the form of a miniature.
From them, the evence is imposait. This value style is added to the most profond of the Gènes de la Marque and gave birth to the most extensive design studio of the car plan: the Peugeot Design Concours on the Internet. Organised since 2000, the three editions of the concours were inspired by millions of amateur designers, at the origin of millions of projects. Three designers are pleased to have their own car in the form of a machine at the 1st floor presented at the Salon de Frankfurt.
Moonster (2000-2001) Dessinez your Peugeot de 2020 Marko Lukovic (22 years) — Serbie
Peugeot 4002 (2002-2003) Design your Peugeot in a retrofuturistic style Stefan Schulze (32 years) - Germany
Moovie (2004-2005) Dessinez la Peugeot dont you want to go ahead Andre Costa (22 years) - Portugal
Projects: 3 800 (+ 36%) Participants: 2 600 (+ 38%) Country: 107 (+ 19%) Votes on the Internet: 105 000 (+ 12%)
variation by report to the 2002-2003 edition
1 phase: the creation Début Septembre: Révélation du thème From October 6 to December 4, 2006: projects are relocated on the website www.peugeot-concours-design.com
2 phase: the series Between 14 and 22 December 2006, publication of the three projects presented by the jury, suivie du vote des internautes et de la presse. The final projects will be online in the days that will take place, between 22 and 26 January 2007.
3rd phase: the proclamation Mi-Février, the name of the project under the web site. On March 2007, M. Frédéric Saint-Geours, Director General of Peugeot Automobiles, relocated the “La Griffe” trophée to the author of the project, on the Peugeot stand at the Salon de Genève.
4th phase: the réalisation The model of the project was published, at the 1st level, between April and September 2007.
5ème phase: the révélation In September, the concept car realisé from the design of the project is presented at the Salon de Frankfurt.
The design concours is made up of the Internet, on a website at www.peugeot-concours-design.com. This site will provide family information to concours and interactive animations (vote, interviews...) during the course of this fourth edition.
The jury will be composed of representatives of Peugeot, not the main leaders of their Style Centre, including journalists and international journalists, who will be called upon to “online” voter. The jury determinera is based on the original criteria of the project, of quality of the final rendu (visuals, explanation of the concept), but also of rocket with the theme.
September 2006