The V8 was very powerful and for better weight balance, the gearbox was placed on the back of the car. The maneuverability was excellent and the sales were even better. The 928 technology was worthy of all Porsche, it had anti-lock brake system, electronic fuel injection and electronic ignition. The chassis was made of steel, to which a galvanized process was added to protect it from the usual corrosion.
As for the exterior, the body had panels made of aluminum to save some weight, although it still had its good 1.564 kg. This car had no visible bumper, as the trunk and tail were made of extremely flexible material: polyurethane. This allowed to absorb small impacts without lasting deformations, these panels were elastic. Although behind there were strong steel reinforcements.
© Adrián Blanco 2006 — Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author. —