It is a consistent development of various electronic systems such as ABS, Brake Force Distributor (EBV), Electronic Differential Blocker (EDS) and Traction Control (ASR), among others. The ESP makes it easier to control the vehicle in extreme situations.
The system acts, for example, when the car threatens to lose track after a sudden maneuver of breakage at high speed. In these cases, the ESP, 1ue uses numerous information to detect the driving situation transmitted by sensors, stabilizes the vehicle by active braking of one of the wheels or by intervention in the management of the engine or gearbox.
1ue sensors transmit, for example, wheel speed, steering wheel angle or transverse acceleration are electronically interconnected to filter and evaluate information, resulting in an accurate description of the driving situation.
The adaptive dynamic turn light illuminates the course of the road by pivoting the headlight module to follow the curves of the road. This greatly improves visibility both on the front and side of the vehicle, making it easier for the driver to do the job. Based on various parameters including speed, steering angle and swing rhythm of the car, the control function of the system calculates the necessary change in the position of the headlights and gives the necessary signals. The dynamic turn light includes the Xenon Plus headlight system.
Information provided by Audi Argentina. —